The most successful games in its history---Busan stick to his guns about his position and to get the summer olympics in 2020.
'The 4th Busan TAFISA World Sport For All Games ' made tremendous success.
Organizing committee of the 4th Busan TAFISA World Sport For All Games(TAFISA for the rest) evaluated that the most successful games in its history.
It has uplifted position of Busan as in world sports business and get the summer olympics in 2020.
Futhermore, It made Busan to bob up as a Mecca of new sports and asthe model-city of world life-sports with revitalization of a community economy.
After the 2002 Asian-Games and 2005 APEC, Getting more several Successful world-scaled games, It has raised the pride of citizens with a participation of passion.